REGD. NO. B-0816/MUM/PER/1000+/5/3011/91

Vision & Mission

Al-Hamd Tours & Travels in the past has played a significant role in bridging the gap between Indian Manpower & International Employers. For all these years we have grown in leaps & bounds through our key Business Strategies, Quality Bench marks & Best business ethical practices.

We are extremely proud to introduce ourselves as reputed & trusted overseas recruiting agency, recognize By the ministry of labour government of India. We are emerged with unequaled records & overwhelming performance of efficient service to govt. Organization & major company in gulf & in middle east countries. Especially in Saudi Arabia. We provide various kinds of manpower to convenient the different requirements Of our clients. For some major companies we are the main source of recruitment in the field of transportation, construction, mechanical, chemical & medical projects, telecommunication industries & other industries.

For more than 20 years AL HAMD has been at the apex recruitment services. Our offices are spread of Working as a placement consultant we developed widely. Our services can be accordance by our capacity to Cover a wide range of service to satisfy your needs. Through our client description & requirement. We try Our best to arrange the most. Suitable candidates through our huge data bank, through our branches all Over in India, or by the medium of advertisements. Once the described candidate are selected, Our experts Prefer strict & stringent interview with them. They precisely make the mentally strong & also build their mind To adopt the place of employment.

It would be our pleasure to act as your representative in the above mentioned capacity and win your confidence. No matter whatsoever your requirement may be with all our capabilities we assure you of the best, "because We don't claim that we are the best but we do the best."

Looking forward to having a long & continuous Business relation with you

With warm regards.

Al Hamd Tours & Travels

Abdul Gafoor Rajani
